Thursday, February 17, 2011

Attempting to Stay Healthy

So, I have recently been in the capital trying to stay healthy and clean. I have seen more doctors and had more doctors' visits here than I have in my entire life I think. It's crazy how differently my body reacts to being in a different place. I do think some of it is because I'm in a dirty place covered in dust this time of year, part of it is because I sweat so much, and some of it might be due to stress. I don't know what it is, but it is frustrating. I have to come in to the capital fairly regularly to seek medical attention, which is a long ways a way and expensive. However, I'm very grateful that Peace Corps pays for my medications! So, I've had some dental problems and I had to have a minor surgery on my toe nail. However, since my site is dusty and there is no guarantee how clean it is, I've had to stay here for a bit. Also, I've had many more chronic health problems, mostly on my skin, which I have never had in the States. It's just so difficult to stay healthy all the time here! However, I get great medical care essentially whenever I need it so that's great! Thanks Peace Corps/American taxpayers!

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