Sunday, February 27, 2011

50th Anniversary Kick-off Event!

As some of you probably already know, this is the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps being signed into Executive Order. A very exciting time for all of us past, present, and future volunteers and staff of Peace Corps, and I think for many other Americans as well. So, every post (country) is being encouraged to do something to celebrate. So, in El Salvador, we had the kick-off event this Friday! It was at the American Embassy with the Ambassador. I was invited to go with two women who make jewerly from my community because they are a successful, sustainable, Peace Corps-started project. They had three volunteers work with them in the past and then didn't have any help for three years. Now I'm there, but in reality they teach me more than I have helped them so far. I hope I can do something to help them, but we'll see. At any rate, we went to the embassy to speak about their experience with Peace Corps. I was really nervous that they weren't going to be able to speak in front of a large, important crowd, so I had a back-up speech ready. At any rate - they did great! They brought a few people to tears and a few others close to tears. It was wonderful, and I was so proud of them for speaking in front of that many people and that many important people without ever really speaking in front of a group before.

After everyone spoke, we had light refreshments, which, I think was a little weird for them because it was American food and there weren't any tortillas. However, they ate it and I LOVED it - there was brie cheese! Overall, it was a great night, and I was so happy that my community was invited to go and talk about their experience!

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