Monday, December 20, 2010

Back to School

So, the other day, I was on the bus (which are all retired American school buses) and I realized I felt like I was back in Elementary school. I actually don't mind riding buses because then I can enjoy the scenery and relax or read while someone else is in charge. Also, its terrifying to watch the driving here, and I thank my lucky starts I don't have to drive. The other interesting thing though, is that there are not that many strange things on the bus. Yes, occassionally a chicken or something, some pipes for a house, but no pigs or other strange animals. Its much more "civilized" than I thought or heard it would be.

Other strange things on the bus though, people give up their seats to pregnant women or women with babies, but not elderly people or people with handicaps. Its an intersting change. Also, some other differences are that there is music almost always, which I really like, and they are decorated with stuffed animals as well as odes to Jesus. Not surprising, but a little funny sometimes.

Good news: I have had no problems on the buses so far (keep you fingers crossed and knock on wood). I do try to be rather careful and aware, but its not nearly as scary as we were lead to be. So anyway, all is well in the transportation world.

As for the holidays, I have no plans except for hanging out with my community. I think on Christmas day we will go to the beach, which will be good. In El Salvador, most people celebrate Christmas on teh 24th with a big dinner, so I'll be doing that will some people in the community. That's it though. Also, no plans for the New Year, but that's fine by me because I generally don't enjoy it unless I'm in Rand! Well, I think that's all then news for now!

Happy Holidays and Peace on Earth!

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